xx LED display with "running text"
LED display with

LED scrolling text line

LED display with "running text"

LED running line. There are various lengths: 75, 100, 130, 160, 190, 225, 255, 280cm

One-color running line. Height 16 cm

LED running line. There are various lengths: 75, 100, 130, 160, 190, 225, 255, 280cm
0.00 Eur
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LED teksta rinda paraugi_obrazci
LED Displeji 7 krasas (31)
LED Displeji 7 krasas (32)
LED Displeji 7 krasas (33)
LED Displeji 7 krasas (43)
LED Displeji 7 krasas (45)
LEd tablo 16
Led tablo 32
Led tablo 48
CL_LED tablo 25x130cm

LED scrolling text line:
  • Monochrome, two-color, multi-color.
  • All you need is a keyboard to enter information.
  • Information is retained even when there is no electricity.
  • Protection IP65, UV., 220V.
  • Operating temperature from -40'c to + 70'c
  • Management options:
  • - Large selection of languages (17 languages) - Latvian, Russian, English and other languages.
  • - Graphics are provided, with the ability to enter 5,000 characters into memory.
  • - Speed limit from 1 to 8.
  • - Brightness adjustment from 1 to 8 or automatic brightness adjustment.
  • - Clocks, time and date projection, anywhere, anytime (model dependent).
  • - Special symbols - arrows, right, left, currencies and more.
For order or information:
  • Call or write: +371 27491229 or ak@ceros.lv.

Uz led tablo:

Warranty 2 years.


Gaismas reklāma un
CNC Frēzēšanas darbi:

Tālrunis: (+371) 27491229

Email: ak@ceros.lv

3D Logotipus

Stikla tāfeles,
Magnētiskās stikla tāfeles

Press Wall / Foto sienu,
pārdošana un noma:

Putuplasta griešana un
izstrādājumi no putoplasta:

Tālrunis: (+371) 22081629

Email: vk@ceros.lv

Putuplasta griešana pasākumiem:

Putuplasta burtu izgatavošana
un burtu noma:

Tālrunis: (+371) 25999327

Email: kristine@ceros.lv


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