xx Arrange your child and yourself a holiday - order large letters or numbers for photo shoot
Arrange your child and yourself a holiday - order large letters or numbers for photo shoot

Numbers and letters for a birthday and not only

A joyful and beautiful solution for photographing at a birthday party - order letters and numbers from polystyrene, it's not expensive and very beautiful!

We make numbers of various heights and shapes for birthdays and for weddings.

Styrofoam Birthday Numeral

We make numbers of various heights and shapes for birthdays and for weddings.
20.00 Eur
More >

Foam letters for birthdays and other joyful events.

Foam letters for birthday

Foam letters for birthdays and other joyful events.
20.00 Eur
More >

We make various sizes and rent some letters and numbers

Numbers and letters with birthday lighting

We make various sizes and rent some letters and numbers
120.00 Eur
More >

cipar 4 ceros.lv 2
Cipari Ceros (1)
Cipari Ceros (13)
12 Puituplasts NOMAH50cm Ceros.LV
Cipari Ceros (12)
Cipari Ceros (11)
Cipari Ceros (14)
Cipari Ceros (10)
Putuplasta figūra sirds mirella dekori Ceros lv
Cipari Ceros (9)
Cipari Ceros (8)
Cipari Ceros (7)
Cipari Ceros (6)
Cipari Ceros (5)
Cipari Ceros (3)
Cipari Ceros (2)
2 gadi H1.2m Ceros (1)
XXXX putuplasts CerosLV (4)
ZIBIT-2016-logo no putoplasta (1)
cipars 1, augstums 1m Ceros.LV
Ritums logo putik 100mm Augstums 50cm
NDVR burtis 50cm ceros.lv mirella (1)
Putik 1.5m noma Ceros.lv
60 gadi augstums 50cm
putuplasts 50gadi, augstums 50cm (8)
50 cipari h1.5m Ceros (2)
25cipari_Mirella_putuplasta cipari
Cipars 20 noma H1.5m Ceros.lv
Putuplasta burti_putuplasta cipari_пенопласт_Ceros_LATVIJA
Putik 20cm h1m Ceros (3)
10 gadi - putuplasts 50mm (5)
9B putik20m h1m Ceros (1)
5 cipars ceroslv mirella (1)
2 cipars h1.2m Ceros (1)
putuplasta cipari_Mirelladekori_Rīga (2)


Gaismas reklāma un
CNC Frēzēšanas darbi:

Tālrunis: (+371) 27491229

Email: ak@ceros.lv

3D Logotipus

Stikla tāfeles,
Magnētiskās stikla tāfeles

Press Wall / Foto sienu,
pārdošana un noma:

Putuplasta griešana un
izstrādājumi no putoplasta:

Tālrunis: (+371) 22081629

Email: vk@ceros.lv

Putuplasta griešana pasākumiem:

Putuplasta burtu izgatavošana
un burtu noma:

Tālrunis: (+371) 25999327

Email: kristine@ceros.lv


Reģ. numurs: SIA "FROJA", LV40203018609

Swedbanka: LV25HABA0551041698412

Rīga, Klijānu iela 6, LV 1013

©2013 Ceros.LV | Reklāmas ražošana un noma